this website's homepage covers a lot of links to useful websites that work without javascript, an internet component that makes websites interactive. most websites use javascript nowadays, which most nokias don't have, so obviously only a few sites work on nokias due to the lack of javascript. although this mainly isn't an issue for basic sites like facebook or google, the most popular video site like ever, youtube, uses A TON of javascript, so you cant access it via your web browser, but there is a solution. this is a step-by-step guide on how to get youtube running on your nokia.
the best browser to use on a nokia is opera mini. visit to download it and install it.
the most reliable unofficial youtube client for nokia is JTube, availible at
this step is kinda simple, just pick jar or jad if you use a nokia, blackberry if you use a blackberry and samsung if you use a samsung j2me-enabled device, like the samsung wave ii
ok hope you enjoyed this tutorial have fun